Index - every article on this website is listed on this page under a category heading. Click on the category to see full list of articles relating to that topic.
ARTICLE Categories
Quick links, scroll down page to see expanded and complete list of articles in each category - over 1000 articles!
What is Home Education
Why Home Educate
Getting Started & Registering
Different Ways to Home Educate
Life as a Home Educator
Teens and Beyond
About Beverley,
The Educating Parent
Resource Directory
FREE RESOURCES from Beverley Paine
Book and Curriculum Reviews
General Information
Health, Personal and Physical Development
Society and Environment
(see also History and Geography)
The Arts
Languages Other Than English (LOTE)
especially for our younger readers!
Homeschool Unschool Australia Magazine back issues are still available as e-books.
About Home Education
to top
Home educating families face the same objections and get asked the same questions over and again. Beverley draws on her 3 decades of experience to help parents feel confident when answering the many objections and comments relatives, friends and strangers raise. She offers a selection of answers to over a dozen of the most popularly voiced objections to homeschooling you are likely to encounter.
Answering Objections to Homeschooling only $5
Price incluldes postage, eBook available.
Answering Objections to Homeschool
to top
Finding the 'right' curriculum can be daunting... Beverley summarises the most popular approaches and guides you to asking the kind questions that will help you determine if it is the one that will work for your child and suit your family's situation.
Choosing Homeschool Curriculum only $5
Price incluldes postage, eBook available.
Approaches and Methods
- A Classical Education – Skills for Life, Linda Maher
- Charlotte Mason, Anna Hackett
- Choosing Homeschool Curriculum - Introduction
- Choosing Homeschool Curriculum - What to Consider, part 1
- Choosing Homeschool Curriculum - What to Consider, part 2
- Choosing Homeschool Curriculum - What to Consider, part 3
- Choosing Homeschool Curriculum - What to Consider, part 4
- Choosing Homeschool Curriculum - What to Consider, part 5
- Choosing Homeschool Curriculum - What to Consider, part 6
- Choosing the Curriculum That's Right for You! Linda Maher
- Defining Delight Directed Home Education
- Discipleship Based, Relational Home Based Learning, Susan Priolo
- Different Approaches to Teaching Your Children at Home (Summary)
- Family Directed Education - A New Term
- Feeling Overwhelmed By Choice
- Learning Centre Approach Encourages Self-Directed Education
- Low on Cash and Worrred that Homeschooling Witll Cost Too Much? Unit Studies Could Be the Answer You Are Looking For!
- Mix It Up: Dabble in Many Home Educating Approaches
- #AlwaysLearning Needs Based Education April Jermey
- Self Education and Natural Learning
- Steiner Inspired Home Education, Michelle Ross
- The Stages of Learning by Susan Priolo
to top
A refreshing practical approach to unschooling based on the needs of the child and family which demystifies and simplifies the philosophy and practice of this style of home education. Using a question and answer approach Beverley Paine uses real examples (with names changed) to help parents better understand how natural learning and unschooling can enhance learning from home.
Natural Learning Answers only $12
Price incluldes postage, eBook available $5.
At Our Place... What Home Education Looks Like
to top
Benefits and Disadvantages
to top
Over 60 fundamental questions asked by families new to homeschooling are answered in this 36 page booklet, including how much does it cost, is it possible with large families, how much time a day does it take, is it legal, where to find resources and materials, etc.
Frequentely Asked Questions about Homeschooling only $5
Price incluldes postage.
Beyond Homeschooling, see also Teenage Home Education
to top
Blogs by Home Educators
to top
Book and Curriculum Reviews
to top
Boredom, see also Motivation
to top
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Charlotte Mason
to top
Dads / Fathers
to top
to top
Distance Education and Schools
to top
Defence Services Homeschooling Families
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Evaluation - see Recording
to top
to top
General and Off Topic Subjects
to top
Getting Started, see also Writing Your Own Curricululm
- A Few Tips for Registering as Home Educators for the First Time
- A List of the School Subjects
- A Positive Plug for Planning
- Back to Homeschool
- Beverley's Tips for Jumping into Homeschooling, Jan 2015
- Best Place to Start... A Defining Task!
- Can both parents share the teaching?
- Can I Teach my Schooled Child at Home?
- Can Parents Be Good Teachers?
- Choosing Homeschool Curriculum: Introduction
- Choosing the Curriculum That's Right for You! Linda Maher
- Creative Solutions and Goal Setting
- Developing an Inclusive Curriculum
- Developing a Personal Curriculum: learning for life, by Sally Lever
- Doing Enough
- Do You Realise You Have a Learning Style?
- Encouraging Autonomous Activity and Learning
- Everyone can Homeschool: Intelligence and Educational Knowledge are not Prerequisites for Starting to Teach Your Children at Home
- Five hours a day of instruction?
- Getting Started with Homeschooling
- Home Educating Families 'Flying Under the Radar'
- Homeschool FAQ: where to start with a five year old
- Homeschool Planners for 2013
- "How did you DO it (homeschooling)?"
- How do you know it's time to homeschool?
- How Many Hours Do We Have To Spend Teaching Our Children Every Day?
- How to Create the Best Environment for Homeschooling
- How to Feel Prepared for Homeschooling, Gentle Evolution
- How Useful are 'Learning Style' Labels?
- "I can't do it": Resistance to Learning
- If You Are a Parent You Are Already Educating Your Child!
- In Hindsight: Tips for Those Early Days
- It's Review Time Again
- Introduction to Learning Styles
- Knowing What to Teach
- Mix It Up: Dabble in Many Home Educating Approaches
- One Activity, a Whole Lot of Outcomes, Anabel Matchan
- Planning for Next Year, Michelle Morrow
- Planning, Recording and Making Home Educating Life Easier for Ourselves
- Planning and Recording: valuable tools for building confidence as home educators
- Preparing a Philosophy or Mission Statement
- Protect Home Education Diversity
- Ready, Set, Go Homeschooling!
- Rebelling Against Early Start
- Recording Helps to Build Confidence as a Home Educator
- Registration: The Review Process
- Setting Up Your Homeschool
- So, You Want to Homeschool... Start by Defining Education
- Think Like An Educator
- Unrealistic expectations and feeling overwhelmed as homeschoolers
- What Do I Do Now? 10 Essential Tips for Starting Home Education
- What are you required to teach your child?
- What is the Difference Between a Vision and a Goal?
- When To Homeschool?
- When is the Best Time to Start Homeschooling?
- Why I think you need to write an individualised and personalised home education curriculum for your child
- Worried About Getting Approval to Home Educate
- Your Trusty Homeschool Emergency Kit!
to top
Gifted Home Education
to top
Home Educated 'Graduates' Share
to top
Homeschoolers in the Media
to top
to top
Just for Fun
to top
Learning Difference and Special Needs
to top
Learning Resources for the Homeschool
to top
Learning Styles and Preferences
to top
Legal Considerations
All State and Territory information is now inclulded in our FREE The Educating Parent Resource Directory, a handy pdf you can download onto your mobile phone or computer and refer to whenever you need information about getting started, registering, finding a local support group, and more. To add your support group, family business, homeschooling or unschooling blog to our Reource Directory please email Beverley, The Educating Parent.
to top
Maintaining Confidence
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Managing & Organising Homeschool Life
to top
Motivation, see also Boredom
to top
Natural Learning Approach, see also Unschooling
- Big List of Unschooling and Natural Learning Books
- Unschooling Links and Books, free eBook
- 3 Chefs and a Proud Mum
- 5 Reasons Why I Unschooled
- 10 Steps to Make your Child Smarter - An Unschooling Perspective
- A Busy Normal Life Equals an Integrated Holistic Education
- A Heartbreaking Story about Unsupervised Internet Use
- A Learning Naturally Curriculum for my Adolescent Son
- A LEGO Curriculum! and More LEGO Curriculum
- A Permaculture Approach to thinking about Natural Learning
- A Typical Homeschooling Day for Thomas
- Addiction to TV and Computer Games
- Affordable Education
- Am I an Unschooler?
- An example of unschooling: how children who aren't taught learn
- Are your kids after using screen technology?
- Barcode Free Education
- Beating those Recording Blues
- Being 100% There for Our Children: Being Attentive to Needs Promptly Pays Off
- Beverley Paine on Natural Learning
- Can I go to school?" When homeschool children ask to go to school
- Can Natural Learning Be Planned?
- Can you successfully unschool without unrestricted access to technology?
- Can Unschoolers Use Resources Designed for Schools?
- Children's Interests and Passions
- Children Learning Naturally
- Children Learning Naturally at Home the Permaculture Way
- Children must be taught how to think, not what to think: Really?
- Chores: An Unschooling Perspective
- Comparison, competition, socialisation, natural learning and parenting
- Covering 'English' in a Natural Learning Way During the 'High School' Years
- Defining natural learning and unschooling and why I think they aren't the same thing
- Developing a Personal Curriculum: learning for life, by Sally Lever
- Developing Natural Learning Strategies for Dealing with Children's Difficult Behaviour
- Developing Natural Learning Strategies for Dealing with Children's Difficult Behaviours
- Difference Between Natural Learning and Unschooling
- Does Natural Learning Work
- Embracing the Natural Learning Philosophy and How to Personalise Homeschooling
- Examples of Natural Learning by Unschooling Families
- Expectations, Stress, Trust and Learning
- Facilitating Learning, Sally Ariad
- Facilitating Learning Through Play
- Feeling Comfortable with Natural Learning
- Finding the 'Right' Path... Allowing our Children to Teach Us How to Teach Them
- Frustration at Child's Obsession with PC Games
- Gentle Transition to Natural Learning
- Giving Up Controlling Behaviour
- Go On, Give Unschooling a Go
- Homeschooling Resources for a Natural Learning Child
- How We Learn ~ the Process of Learning Naturally
- How Permacultural Informed Our Natural Learning Lifestyle
- How to Use the Natural Learning Diary
- How to Create an Unschooling Learning Plan to Meet Registration Requirements
- How to Create an Unschooling Learning Plan to Meet Registration Requirements
- If You Are a Parent You Are Already Educating Your Child!
- 'Interests' and Unschooling
- Is Following a Child's Interests Enough?
- It is okay to relax and play, learning happens doing that too!
- Is Natural Learning the Same as Unschooling?
- Learn More: Make Mistakes! by Ilka Oster
- Learning Difficulties or an Opportunity to Learn Brilliantly?
- Learning Maths Naturally, Sally Beale
- Learning the Tough Lessons in Life
- Learning to Read Naturally
- Living Simply
- Living Simply - a permaculture influenced design charter
- The Love of Learning
- My Unschooling Grass is Green Enough
- Translating Natural Learning into Edu-speak! Dana Hennessy
- Natural Education Skills and Attributes Checklist
- Natural Learning: Build Confidence Slowly
- Natural Learning Happens ALL the Time!
- Natural Learning is something that happens, rather than something you do...
- Natural Learning is NOT Lazy Parenting!, Freya Dawson
- Natural Learning - Learning Centred on Human Survival within a Social Context (Culture)
- Negotiable, Open Ended Schedules and Learning Programs
- Natural Learning, Simplicity and Survival
- Of Daffodils and Diesels
- Organising Your Natural Learning Day
- Observation and Inter-action, Tools for Natural Learning
- One Step at a Time
- Overcoming the Natural Learning Homeschooling Recording Blues...
- Parenting became easier when I stopped pandering to my children's wants and started identifying their needs
- Permaculture Design Principle #1 in Home Education - Observe and Interact
- Permaculture Activities for Children
- Plastic Toys and Computers - are they really the ruination of childhood?
- Questioning My Assumptions
- Questioning the assumption that "children must be taught how to think, not what to think"
- Reflecting on How We Learn At Home
- Routines, Resources and Structure in our Natural Learning Approach to Home Education
- Saying Yes More Often, by Cath
- Self Education and Natural Learning
- Simply Be There For Your Children and Be Reassured That's It's Enough...
- Stop Talking Mum!
- Talking Mathematically Helps Children Learn Maths Naturally
- Testing... The Natural Learning Way
- The Disabling Power of Certain Words: "Doing Nothing"
- The Fascinated Life - Cultivating Interests Tirzah Duncan
- The Prevalence and Implications of Unschooling in Australia
- Think Like An Educator
- Thoughts About Thinking' and 'Working' in Education: Natural Ability or Nurtured Skills?
- The Nature of Children and Learning
- Enid Blyton, Barbies and Disney - Trusting our children with stereotypes
- Reassurance and Trust: unschooling tools for building confidence
- Redefine Work, Learning, Education: Unschooling
- Screen Time, Freya Dawson
- Should I teach maths the way I was taught?
- Super Excelling Unschool Grads Anyone?
- Sudbury: The Unschool School?
- Surrendering and Learning to Trust our Children's Learning Journeys
- Studying the Seasons
- The Nature of Learning
- There's Nothing 'Relaxed' about Natural Learning!, Brisbane Home Education Conference 2004 keynote address by Beverley Paine
- Tips For Natural Learning
- To Teach or Not to Teach!
- Transitioning to Natural Learning
- Trust and Natural Learning, Unschooling
- Trusting that we can find the balance with trusting, a key to allowing our children to learn naturally
- Undertstanding Toddler Tantrums
- Understanding Life Learning, Wendy Priesnitz
- Unpreschooling part one value of play
- Unpreschooling part two tuning in and trusting
- Unpreschooling part three the art of strewing
- Unpreschooling part four schedule versus routine
- Unpreschooling favourite toy shops
- UnsCool: Why I Use the Unschool Word
- Unschooling: How to Cover the Minimum Number of Hours of Instruction Necessary for Registration
- Unschooling and Learning Maths
- Unschooling in Action: Baking, Cath Nester
- Unschooling or Natural Learning?
- Unschooling & Recording - Some Ideas for Collecting Samples of Children's Writing
- Unschooling. What is it?
- Unschooling Really Does Work!
- Unschooling Resistance to Planning and Keeping Records
- Use 'snap shots' to help record natural learning
- Using School as a Natural Learning Resource
- Wants Versus Needs - key difference between radical unschooling and natural learning?
- What Could Be Simpler Than A Natural Education?
- What do I mean by 'attentive'?
- What is Natural Learning?
- What is Natural Learning? Nov 1999
- What is the difference between natural learning and unschooling?
- What is 'On Topic' on an Unschooling Group?
- Worrying about late readers
- Worried about children playing computer/video games all day...
to top
Networks and Support Groups, see also Socialisation
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Online Support Groups
to top
Our Readers Recommend...
to top
Overcoming 'Burn Out' and Feeling Overwhelmed
to top
- 10 Ways to Refresh Family Relationships
- 10 Tips to Take into Next Year
- A Few Strategies for Coping as Home Educators
- A Heartbreaking Story about Unsupervised Internet Use
- A Question About Age Appropriateness and Type of Chores for Children
- Are your kids after using screen technology?
- Babies and Screens
- Being "On Call"...
- Being 100% There for Our Children: Being Attentive to Needs Promptly Pays Off
- Biting Toddler (Ask Beverley)
- Breaking the Cycle of Fear Based Conditioning
- Bullies: Homeschooling a Possible Solution?
- Can Schools Teach Empathy?
- Children are Humans and Deserve Respect by Melita Gee
- Chores: An Unschooling Perspective
- Comparison, competition, socialisation, natural learning and parenting
- Coping with Feelings of Parental Inadequacy
- Create a Stress Free Learning Environment
- Developing Strategies for Dealing with Children's Difficult Behaviour
- Ditching Languge That Invokes Shame
- Discrimination Against Breastfeeding in Public Still A Problem for Many Mothers
- Expectations, Stress, Trust and Learning
- Four Rules to Lead an Extraordinary Life
- Fostering Healthy Chakras in Children
- Frustration with lack of information on child development beyon six years of age...
- Genius is Born of Love
- Getting the Balance Right to Help Avoid Incidences of Bullying
- Help! Kids Leaving a Mess!
- Help! My kids are fighting...
- Homeschoolers are only human
- Home Education and Bullying
- Home Education and Incidences of Child Abuse
- Homeschooling Helps Develop Empathy in Children
- Homeschooling Through the 'Bad' Days - When Our Children Are Fighting
- Honesty: the Secret to Homeschooling and Parenting Success
- How Children Learn
- How Homeschooling Helped Us Stay Together
- "I can't do it": Resistance to Learning
- Joyful Disruptions
- Judging How Others Parent and Educate their Children
- Let's Get Healthy
- Living Simply
- Looking back - what would I change?
- Motherhood Solidarity
- Motivation for Preparing Meals!
- My Teen Doesn't Respect Me!
- My Top 20 Tips for New Parents
- Natural Learning is NOT Lazy Parenting!, Freya Dawson
- Negotiable, Open Ended Schedules and Learning Programs
- On a Mission!
- On Becoming... A Thought for the New Year
- Patient Parenting Pays Off!
- Parent/Child Relationships Don't Have to be a Battleground
- Parenting - A Career Choice or the Only Choice...
- Parenting became easier when I stopped pandering to my children's wants and started identifying their needs
- Protecting Our Children from Bullying
- Questioning my assumptions, one way I learn
- Reflections on My Arrogance as a Homeschooling Parent and Educator
- Reflections on being an educating parent, May 2018
- Saying Yes More Often, by Cath
- Screen Time, Freya Dawson
- Secret to Happiness and Maslow's Hierarchy
- Simply Be There For Your Children and Be Reassured That's It's Enough...
- Stressed and Anxious Children
- Still on my Parenting 'L' Plates
- Thoughts on motherhood at Christmas
- Undertstanding Toddler Tantrums
- Virtue and Character
- What do I mean by 'attentive'?
- What is the Difference Between a Vision and a Goal?
- What is Adult Privilege? Boundaries, Manipulation, Coercion and Respect for Children
- Why You Need to Avoid Making Assumptions about Home Education
- Will our home educated kids turn out okay?
to top
Part-Time Home Education and School Attendance
to top
to top
Preparing the Learning Environment
to top
Preschool Homeschooling
to top
Recording and Evaluating, see also Writing Your Own Curriculum
to top
to top
Sample Learning Programs
Local home educating support groups usually collect examples of approved learning plans and reviews - look in the Support Groups Resource Directory to find a state or local group. Although some of the learning programs and plans below are years old they will offer you some idea of how families home educate their children, record and evaluate.
- Pre-school Review Report 5 year old
- A Brief Outline of a Sample Home Education Learning Program
- A Learning Naturally Curriculum for my Adolescent Son
- Home Education Plan and Record (South Australia)
- Homeschool Curriculum - Six Year Old
- Paine Family Homeschool Curriculum, 1997
- Paine Family Home Education Curriculum: Philosophy, Goals and Aims, 1986-2005
- ACT 2014 Stage 1 Report
- ACT 2015 Year 8 Report - Reflective Discussion
- NSW Stage 1, 2018
- NSW Stage 1 Year 2, 2019
- NSW Stage 2 Year 4, 2019
- NSW Stage 3 Learning Plan 2017
- NSW Approved Yr 8 and 9 Learning Plan
- NSW Review Yr 7 and 8
- NSW BOS Approved Year 1 Natural Learning (2012)
- NSW Homeschool Plan Child aged 11, 2017
- NSW BOS Approved Year 2 Evaluation/Review (2010-11)
- NSW BOS Approved Year 6 Learning Program (2010)
- NSW Home Education Approved Application 2015 Stage 2
- NSW Home Ed Plan for 11 year old, 2 year approval
- NSW Year 2, 2015 Approved Application
- NSW Early Childhood 2016 Approved Learning Plan
- NSW Review Stage1 2013
- NSW Approved Learning Plan Early Childhood 2014
- NSW Stage1 Review 2013 2014
- QLD 2017 HEU Plan
- QLD Initial Application 2015 for a 10 year old
- QLD Early Primary Approved Home Education Program (2014)
- QLD HEU Approved Year 2 Learning Program (2010)
- QLD HEU Approved Year 2 Learning Program (2012)
- QLD Home Education Program for a child, 12 years
- QLD Homeschool Report 2013
- QLD Year 8-9 Home Education Plan 2017
- QLD Year 7-8 Home Education Plan 2017
- Sample Programs - Links
- SA Year 1 (age 6) Application 2019
- SA Year 1 (age 7) Application 2017
- SA Year 1 Application 2015
- SA Year 2 Review 2017
- SA Application Unschooling 2014
- SA Teen Home Education Plan
- South Australia 2010 Application for Home Education and 2011 Review
- SA Year 10 Application, 2006
- SA Review Early Primary 2011
- TAS THEAC Application to Home Educate (2012)
- TAS THEAC Approved (2 years) ages 13, 16 (2012)
- TAS High school level ages 13 & 16 (2012)
- TAS Application to THEAC, primary years 2012
- Home Education Planner and Recording Proforma
- VIC Early Primary Home Ed Application 2022
to top
School-At-Home Approach
to top
Single Parent Homeschooling Families, see also Working Homeschooling Parents
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Socialisation, see also Networks and Support Groups
to top
Teaching Strategies
- 10 Tips for Asking Children Questions
- 10 Tips to Take into Next Year
- A Few Things to Occupy the Kids during the Holidays
- A Few Quick Teaching Tips
- A Letter from a Friend of 'Flat Stanley', a Literacy and Geography Project for the Whole Family
- Benefits of the Short Lesson
- Case Against Standardised Testing
- Children must be taught how to think, not what to think: Really?
- Collections are Educational
- Common Pitfalls of the Everyday Online Student
- Create a Stress Free Learning Environment
- Curious Kids - the Value of Questions
- Developing an Inclusive Curriculum
- Ditching Languge That Invokes Shame
- Do You Use Mind Mapping?
- Educational Benefits of Chess
- Educational Value of Using Games in the Homeschool
- Encouraging Writing - Unschooled Teens
- Explain Your Motives - it helps!
- Explaining Place Value in Numbers to a Mixed Age Group
- Facilitating Learning, Sally Ariad
- Five History Teaching Strategies
- Frustration at Child's Obsession with PC Games
- Games Enhance Learning
- "I can't do it": Resistance to Learning
- "I'm No Good at Maths": Maths Anxiety
- Irlen Syndrome (Scotopic Sensitivity)
- Is the Internet Good or Bad for Learning?
- Is Thomas Reading Yet?
- Kids learn a lot more when they are working hard than when you are working hard
- Learning Invocations
- “Let Me Learn One Thing at a Time, Mum!”
- Looking back - what would I change?
- Knowing What to Teach
- Making Mind Maps - Links
- Mistakes that Online Students Make
- Movies as Curriculum
- Multi-level Teaching and Unit Studies
- Info Tech Embraces Holistic Learning Concepts: Movement helps learning
- One Activity, a Whole Lot of Outcomes, Anabel Matchan
- Recognising the Effect of Personal Bias as a Teacher and Homeschooling Parent
- Should I Let Children Learn at Their Own Pace?
- Stan's Tip 5: As much as possible, make it "real", not abstract
- Stan's Tip 7: Try creating a Learning Group with other homeschool kids.
- Stan's Tip 8: Make every effort to ensure that your student is confident that he can learn.
- Stop Talking Mum!
- Students Don't Work - They Learn
- Teaching Beyond Our Skill Level
- Teaching the Times Tables
- The Educational Value of Games
- The Stages of Learning by Susan Priolo
- Thematic Units, Vanessa Whittaker
- Tips for Creating Conversation
- To Teach or Not to Teach!
- Using Flashcards
- Using Excursions to Teach History
- Using 'Living Books' in Your Homeschool
- Value of Individual Learning Programs and Why Schools Don't Always Work
- What do I mean by 'attentive'?
- What Kind of a Teacher Are You?
- What Makes a Good Teacher
- Where Creativity Went, and the Role of IBL Projects to Find it Again, Lucy Singer
- Your Exceptional Learning Abilities
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Teenagers and Homeschooling, see also Beyond Homeschooling
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Travelling and Homeschooling
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Typical Homeschool Days or Weeks
to top
Unschooling Approach, see also Natural Learning Approach
- Unschooling. What is it?
- UN-school, a deliberate rejection of school, more than self-directed learning
- Beverley Paine on Natural Learning, free eBook
- Australian Unschooling Blogs
- Covering the Curriculum the Natural Learning Way Album, free eBook
- Unschooling Links and Books, free eBook
- 3 Chefs and a Proud Mum
- 5 Reasons Why I Unschooled
- 10 Tips to Take into Next Year
- 10 Steps to Make your Child Smarter - An Unschooling Perspective
- A Brief Look at John Holt
- A Busy Normal Life Equals an Integrated Holistic Education
- What is Adult Privilege? Boundaries, Manipulation, Coercion and Respect for Children
- A Few Things to Occupy the Kids during the Holidays
- A Heartbreaking Story about Unsupervised Internet Use
- A Typical Unschooling Day
- Addiction to TV and Computer Games
- Affordable Education
- Am I an Unschooler?
- Any Unschooling Regrets?
- Are Teachers Necessary?
- Are You Inadvertantly Making it Harder for Your Children to Learn?
- Are your kids after using screen technology?
- Authentic? Me? Thoughts on Authenticity.
- Avoid the Smorgasbord Approach to Education!
- Barcode Free Education
- Being 100% There for Our Children: Being Attentive to Needs Promptly Pays Off
- Benefits of Writing an Unschooling Learning Plan for the Year Ahead
- Can you be an unschooler if you use a curriculum for maths and English and science?
- Can you successfully unschool without unrestricted access to technology?
- Can Unschoolers Use Resources Designed for Schools?
- Children's Interests and Passions
- Children must be taught how to think, not what to think: Really?
- Chores: An Unschooling Perspective
- Comparison, competition, socialisation, natural learning and parenting
- Covering 'English' in a Natural Learning Way During the 'High School' Years
- Defining Delight Directed Home Education
- Defining Natural Learning, Unschooling, Deschooling and School-at-Home
- Developing a Personal Curriculum: learning for life, by Sally Lever
- Developing Natural Learning Strategies for Dealing with Children's Difficult Behaviours
- Does Unschooling Suit Self-Motivated or Reluctant Learners?
- "Doing Nothing"
- Encouraging Writing - Unschooled Teens
- Examples of Natural Learning by Unschooling Families
- Facilitating Learning, Sally Ariad
- Freedom, how much is too much? Cameron Dubin
- Frustration at Child's Obsession with PC Games
- Frustration with lack of information on child development beyond six years of age...
- Future Proofing and Unschooling
- Go On, Give Unschooling a Go
- The Homeschooling Trail - Diary of a Christian Unschooling Family
- How are they gonna learn anything when they are stuck at school all day?
- How Children Benefit from Unschooling
- How to Use the Natural Learning Diary
- How to Cover the Minimum Number of Hours of Instruction Necessary for Registration
- Identifying and valuing our unschoolers' interests
- I'm a Drop Out Type of Unschooler
- "I'm hungry!" Unschooling principles applied to very young children.
- In-laws and Parents Worried About You Unschooling the Grandkids?
- Inspirational Quotes on Children Learning Without School by John Holt
- 'Interests' and Unschooling
- Is Following a Child's Interests Enough?
- Is Natural Learning the Same as Unschooling?
- Learn More: Make Mistakes! by Ilka Oster
- Learning Difficulties or an Opportunity to Learn Brilliantly?
- Learning the Tough Lessons in Life
- Letter to a Teenage Unschooler
- How to Create an Unschooling Learning Plan to Meet Registration Requirements
- My Non-educational Thoughts on Curriculum
- My Unschooling Grass is Green Enough
- Natural Learning Happens ALL the Time!
- Natural Learning is NOT Lazy Parenting!, Freya Dawson
- Negotiable, Open Ended Schedules and Learning Programs
- Overcoming Anxieties About Unschooling
- Parenting became easier when I stopped pandering to my children's wants and started identifying their needs
- Questioning My Assumptions
- Role Reversal! Unexpected Lessons from When My Children Taught Me...
- Reasons to Keep Regular Homeschooling Records
- Redefine Work, Learning, Education: Unschooling
- Screen Time, Freya Dawson
- Sudbury: The Unschool School?
- Should I Let Children Learn at Their Own Pace?
- Stop Talking Mum!
- Super Excelling Unschool Grads Anyone?
- The Fascinated Life - Cultivating Interests Tirzah Duncan
- The Prevalence and Implications of Unschooling in Australia
- Think Like An Educator
- Thinking Scientifically As Unschoolers
- To Teach or Not to Teach!
- Trust and Natural Learning, Unschooling
- Trusting that we can find the balance with trusting, a key to allowing our children to learn naturally
- Undertstanding Toddler Tantrums
- Unparenting and Unschooling
- Unpreschooling part one value of play
- Unpreschooling part two tuning in and trusting
- Unpreschooling part three the art of strewing
- Unpreschooling part four schedule versus routine
- Unpreschooling favourite toy shops
- UnsCool: Why I Use the Unschool Word
- Unschooling: A Case Against Nihilism
- Unschooling and Doing Nothing
- Unschooling and Learning Maths
- Unschooling in Action: Baking, Cath Nester
- Unschooling or Natural Learning?
- Unschooling & Recording - Some Ideas for Collecting Samples of Children's Writing
- Unschooling and Trust: How do we reclaim our self-trust and thereby our trust also in others?
- Unschooling = Un Schooling
- Unschooling Really Does Work!
- Unschooling: the weight of expectations
- Unschooling - What is it?
- Using Checklists To Help Plan and Record Your Homeschool Schedule and Learning Program
- Unschooling Resistance to Planning and Keeping Records
- Using School as a Natural Learning Resource
- Wants Versus Needs - key difference between radical unschooling and natural learning?
- What do I mean by 'attentive'?
- What is Unschooling?
- What is Life Like Without School?
- What is 'On Topic' on an Unschooling Group?
- What To Do When Children Resist Being Taught
- Worrying about late readers
- Worried about children playing computer/video games all day...
to top
Why We Homeschool
to top
Working and Homeschool, see also Single Parent Homeschooling Families
to top
Writing Your Own Curriculum
to top
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better outcomes for their children.
Beverley Paine with her children, and their home educated children, relaxing at home.
Together with the support of my family, my aim is to help parents educate their children in stress-free, nurturing environments. In addition to building and maintaing this website, I continue to create and manage local and national home educating networks, help to organise conferences and camps, as well as write for, edit and produce newsletters, resource directories and magazines. I am an active supporter of national, state, regional and local home education groups.
"You've been an inspiration to me, I love the way
you really listen to people." Vanessa
"Whenever I read your writing I always come away
with increased confidence in my ability to provide and
share a wonderful learning journey with my family!" Davina
"Your guidance, understanding, support and words of
wisdom changed our lives. We now offer support and
organise many homeschooling events for others." Lesley
"Thank you once again for your prompt and friendly service.
I am convinced that your books are going to add
quality and peace of mind to my journey of teaching my kids
at home! Just from studying your website, until almost
in the morning, I 've been encouraged!" Louisa
"Thank you for all your many,many reassuring words
over many, many years. You probably don't know exactly how
valuable you are to the Australian Home Education community.
I've been reading your stuff for maybe 8 years or more now.
And I'm very grateful." Gythaa
Want to learn how to write your own education plans to suit
your unique children's
individual learning needs?
Looking for quality curriculum and teaching tips ?
Over 1000 reassuring and
informative articles to help
build your confidence as an Educating Parent
Welcome to the World of Home Education
and Learning without School!
We began educating our children in 1985, when our eldest was five. In truth, we had helped them learn what they need to learn since they were born. I am a passionate advocate of allowing children to learn unhindered by unnecessary stress and competition, meeting developmental needs in ways that suit their individual learning styles and preferences. Ours was a homeschooling, unschooling and natural learning family! There are hundreds of articles on this site to help you build confidence as a home educating family. We hope that your home educating adventure is as satisfying as ours was! Beverley Paine
The information on this website is of a general nature only and is not intended as personal or professional advice. This site merges and incorporates 'Homeschool Australia' and 'Unschool Australia'.
The Educating Parent acknowledges the Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Owners, the Custodians of Australia, and pay our respects to Elders past and present and extend that respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people viewing this website.
Let experienced home educators Beverley, Tamara and April walk you through HOW to create a learning plan that builds on solid foundations that works for YOUR family AND ticks all the boxes for home educaton registration!
"Your guidance, understanding, support & words of wisdom changed our lives." Leslie
"I feel specially inspired by Beverley's words and, the more I read her comments, the more inspired I feel, since
my need for support, respect for different parenting styles, and information are fully met." Marijo
Home education is a legal alternative
to school education in Australia.
State and Territory governments are responsible
for regulating home education and have different
requirements, however home educating families
are able to develop curriculum and learning programs
to suit the individual needs of their children.
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by educational suppliers and Google Ads
we could not continue to provide information
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The Educating Parent. Thanks!